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Dr. Yves Plancherel

Yves is lecturer in climate change and the environment at the Grantham Institute since 2018 and leads the “Endian” (Environmental Diagnostics and Analysis) research group. Prior to joining Imperial College London, Yves studied biology at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, marine biology in Hawaii Pacific University and oceanography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He holds a PhD in Geosciences from Princeton University.  He then worked at the University of Oxford, as a James Martin Fellow within the 21st Century Ocean Institute associated with the Oxford James Martin School, where he eventually won a NERC Independent Research Fellowship in 2015.  

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Current members

Ophelie Meuriot

PhD student
SSCP DTP (2019 cohort)

Ophelie is pursuing a PhD on climate and ocean physics. She is investigating how the world's intermediate waters form, how climate and ocean model represent them, and what their role in climate is.

Oliver Hicks

Masters' student
Earth Sciences and Engineering (2020)

Ollie is focusing on developing a quantiative understanding of biogeochemical that controle the evolution of cerium (one of the rare earth elements) in the ocean.

Roshini Mistry

Masters' student
Earth Sciences and Engineering (2020)

Roshini is looking at the peculiar biogeochemistry of copper in the ocean. Copper is not only one of the major metal that is required to fuel the green transition, it is also both a micronutrient and can be toxic to marine life. Little is known about copper in the ocean. 

Hannah Allan

Masters' student
Earth Sciences and Engineering (2020)

Hannah works on the Pb cycle. Pb is not only toxic, it also posseses various isotopes that can (hopefully) be used to fingerprint the source of metal pollution through space and time. Hannah is developing models to quantify errors associated with the isotopic fingerprinting method and to advance our understanding of Pb biogeochemistry.

Sarawud Saleesongsom

Masters' student
Earth Sciences and Engineering (2020)

Sarawud (Juy) worries about the marine cycle of Arsenic. Arsenic is a powerful toxic metal, but little is known about its marine cycle. We know it has an interesting chemistry, but do not yet understand what controls the distribution and sources of Arsenic in the ocean.

Zhenxia Shen

Masters' student and research specialist
MSc in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (2020)

Zhenxia just graduated with his MSc but we like him so much, we want to keep him longer. Zhenxia is working in the field of Industrial Ecology. He is developing a software (ElementTracker) that combines baysian statistics with material flow assessment modelling. 
"ElementTracker: A model of elemental flows through the global economy.”


Lingaona Zhu

Masters' student
MSc in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (2020)

"Modelling the transient evolution and atmospheric transport of Pb emissions.”

Yusen Zhou

MMasters' student
MSc in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (2020)

"EZClim2.0: a software package for climate modelling diagnostics."

Vagif Aliyev

Masters' student
MSc in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (2020)

"ARGOWorks: developing a new software analyze and visualize ARGO float data."

Wanqiu Yin

Masters' student
MSc in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (2020)

"Analyzing the environmental sentiment of the public using Twitter data.”

Siyu Wang

Masters' student
MSc in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (2020)

"Seagrass mapping using machine learning, satellite data and the Google Earth Engine"

Michelle Madin

UROP summer intern
Imperial College London, Chemistry (2020)

"Modelling large-scale speciation patterns in the Oceans.” 

Anna  Pudlowska

Masters' student
Earth Sciences and Engineering (2019)

"Physical and biogeochemical variability in the Indian Ocean: what is the value of an ocean observatory in the Maldives?”

Adanna Akwataghibe

Masters' student
MSc in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (2019)

"EZClim: Software Package for Climate Modelling Diagnostics"

Jonathan Ren

UROP summer intern
University College London, Geography (2019)

"Mining and climate change: mapping earth resources and their vulnerabilities."

Nathan Abela

MOAP summer intern
Imperial College London, Physics (2017) 

"The subtropical circulations of biogeochemical active tracers in the Atlantic"

Cecile Roques

UG research intern
Ecole Normale Superieure Paris-Saclay, Theoretical physics (2019)

"Setup and run a global atmospheric transport model to simulate the dispersion of Pb."

Benson Chang

UROP summer intern
Imperial College London, Physics (2019)

"Evaluation of hydrographic changes in polar and subpolar oceans.”

Kate Davies

Masters' student
University College; 2017-2018

"Behaviour and seasonality of the rare earth elements in rivers."

Emily Hutley

Masters' student
Worcester College; 2017-2018

"“Statistical analysis of the GEOTRACES data product and the quest for new quasi-conservative tracers.”

Seng Teck Avester Lau

Masters' student
St-Edumnd Hall; 2016-2017

"Biogeochemical cycling of the rare earth elements (REEs) in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean.”

Luke Maxfield

Masters' student
Exeter College; 2016-2017

"The fate of deep ocean water masses: a model intercomparison."

Andrew Jamieson

Masters' student
St-Annes College; 2016-2017

"A global assessment of anthropogenic lead emissions and construction of a simulation of the transport and deposition."

Shital Visana

Masters' student
St-Annes College; 2016-2017

"Large-scale speciation patterns in the Atlantic."

Lewis Carney

MOAP summer intern
St-Hughs College; 2014

"Understanding 10Be as a proxy for past solar change and its relationship with climate change."

Georgina Tuffin

MOAP summer intern
University of Southampton; 2015

"Understanding the processes that control the large-scale evolution and time evolution of lead (Pb) in the ocean."

Matthew Hammond

MOAP summer intern
University College, 2014

"Radium isotopes as tracers for ocean mixing and nutrient supply in the Cape Basin"

Peter Scott

Masters' student
University College; 2013

"Rare earth elements in the South Atlantic – water mass behavior and tracing of micronutrient sourcesto the surface ocean.”